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Delta Cultura

Tissiane and the stairway to heaven (story told by Florian / Chairman of Delta Cultura Cabo Verde)

I was about to unlock the piano room when a group of 4 girls rushed in. Tissiane (10 years old) was very excited: “Florian, Florian, tell us: does heaven exist or not?” I was a bit surprised by this question. “Do you mean heaven and God?” I asked her. But that wasn’t what she wanted to know. So I had to think briefly about what the pedagogically correct answer would be. But my brief pause prompted the other girls to voice their opinions: “Of course heaven exists. Look up.” As a result, Tissianes nerves were obviously torn. Very excited, she told the other children: “Okay, if heaven exists, then take a ladder, climb up and bring me a piece of heaven.”

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